September 14, 2024

Reaching GenZ Must Become a Top Priority for Your Church

Church leaders and Christ-followers, if you haven't already made reaching Generation Z a top priority, it's time to start.

Church leaders and Christ-followers, if you haven't already made reaching Generation Z a top priority, it's time to start. This generation, born between 1995 and 2015, is significantly different from older generations in terms of their beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. Gen Z is the most diverse, connected, and technologically savvy generation in history. They are also the most secular generation, with only 4 in 10 saying they identify with any religion. And if the church wants to remain relevant and continue to grow, we need to figure out how to reach them. So what are some things we can do? Keep reading for tips!

The Importance of Reaching the Next Generation

Let's begin with the why. Why should we be concerned with reaching the next generation? Quite simply, we must reach the next generation or die. In 2019, approximately 3,000 Protestant churches were started in the U.S., but 4,500 Protestant churches closed, according to estimates from Nashville-based Lifeway Research. I believe that many of these churches are nonexistent today because they refused to pursue the next generation. Generation Z is the future of the church. Take a look at what the Psalmist said about passing the faith onto youth. 

We will not hide them from their children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done. (Psalm 78:4) 
One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts. (Psalm 145:4)

If we do not reach them, someone else will. The next generation is both the future and the now of the Church. Paul wrote in 1 Timothy 4:12, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.” It is clear that young people have a role to play in leading, serving, and ministering in the church now

If you want to see the church grow and thrive, you must focus on reaching the next generation for Jesus. If you want to have a church full of life, you must reach and include Gen Z. If you want to have a church that changes nations and generations, you must raise up and train the next generation to run their race for Christ. 

Three Challenges of Reaching the Next Generation

There are a number of challenges that we face when it comes to reaching the next generation for Jesus. Young people are increasingly disconnected from the church. According to a Pew Research Center study, only 27% of adults under the age of 30 say that they have been to church in the past month. This is a significant decrease from previous generations.

One challenge the church must be ready to embrace is change. We must be willing to update our methods without compromising our message. While the message of Jesus is unchanging, the ways in which we connect, serve, reach out, and share Jesus with others are constantly evolving. We must consider what needs to be updated, tweaked, or even done away with in order to connect with people who are living in a different world than the one in which we grew up. It’s time to let go of some old traditions and embrace how the gospel can be shared using many different methods. 

A second challenge is that we have to be willing to meet people where they are. We can't expect the next generation to come to us; we have to go to them. We need to be present for them, both physically and emotionally. It’s essential that we step into their world. A church that simply remains inside its four walls is a church that will not reach the next generation. Each local church must find ways to get into the life of its community and get involved to make a difference.

Finally, we have to be prepared to answer their questions and enter the conversation. The next generation is going to have questions—lots of them. We need to be prepared to address their doubts and concerns, offering them hope and guidance. We need to be a church that practices James 1:19, “My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.”

Top Strategies for Reaching the Next Generation

There are a number of strategies that we can use to reach the next generation for Jesus. One way to reach the next generation is through building relationships. We need to be intentional about spending time with them, getting to know them, and listening to them. Conversations, and consistent ones, are critical. 

As well, the next generation is reached through sharing the gospel. Building a relationship with someone allows for trust to form, making it easier to share truth in love. We need to be clear and concise in our explanation of the gospel, and we need to be able to answer any follow-up questions. Relationships do not guarantee acceptance of what we say. We should brace for rejection of the gospel, but have hearts that continue to love them even if they don't believe. 

Finally, the next generation is reached through living out our faith. We need to show them what it looks like to follow Jesus, and we need to be authentic in our walk with Christ. This means inviting them into our lives, into our homes. Let them see that following Jesus is not just something we talk about, but it's something that shapes everything we do.

The church must be willing to adapt and connect with Gen Z on their level if we want to reach them with the gospel. We must engage with them through social media and other platforms that they use. But it's not enough just to be present online; we must also be present in their lives, be authentic, and share our stories. When we open up about our faith journey and allow Gen Z to see that we're real people with real struggles, we create a connection that can lead to lasting change. And every GenZer wants to be part of a community like that.

What are some ways your church is reaching Gen Z? Let us know in the comments.