September 14, 2024

How to Start Reading Your Bible

Reading your Bible is vital... this will help!

How to Start Reading Your Bible

Reading the Bible is one of the most important activities that a teen can do in order to develop an understanding of spirituality and faith. However, it is often difficult for teens to know where to begin when starting their journey into the sacred scriptures. This article will provide teens with a few simple steps for getting started on reading the Bible and establishing a regular pattern of study. 

Step 1

The first step in reading your Bible is deciding which translation you would like to use when reading through scripture. Different translations offer different interpretations of the original text, so it can be beneficial for teens to do research on each one in order to find which works best for them. Once you have chosen your preferred translation, purchase or download a copy so that you can easily access it whenever you are ready to read. 

Step 2

The next step is figuring out how much time you would like to spend reading each day or week. Setting aside time each day will help ensure that you make consistent progress as you read through Scripture. This can be anything from fifteen minutes a day up to several hours; whatever works best for your schedule and level of interest. During this time, make sure that you find a quiet place free from distractions so that you can focus solely on your reading material. 

Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” Matthew 4:4

Step 3

When actually sitting down with your Bible, there are several ways that teens can approach their reading sessions. A popular method is by book; choose a book such as Genesis or Isaiah and start at the beginning until you reach the end naturally as opposed to jumping around randomly between books and chapters throughout the Scriptures. Another approach could be following along with daily devotional readings; these are usually written by authors who share spiritual insights along with their own personal stories within particular sections of Scripture. 

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; 17so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Step 4

It is also important for teens not to get frustrated if they don’t understand everything they come across while reading their Bibles - it takes time and practice! When encountering unfamiliar terms or concepts, take notes if necessary so that they may be researched later on; while not all answers will necessarily be found right away, having an open mind and heart will help bring clarity over time as students gain more knowledge about certain passages or teachings within Scripture. 

Step 5

In addition, when teens find themselves stuck in their readings there are several practical devices available online which can assist them with further study or analysis of key topics mentioned in various parts of Scripture (e.g., commentaries, cross-references). Having resources like this helps improve comprehension and opens up opportunities for engaging in deeper conversations about religion or faith-based topics with peers or mentors alike. 

How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit in the seat of scoffers! But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night. Psalm 1:1-2

To conclude, making a commitment towards reading your Bible every single day helps build meaningful relationships sealed with faith between yourself and God - something no other activity quite achieves! With just a few simple steps outlined above coupled with some effort and dedication, any teen dedicated enough should have no problem diving headfirst into exploring the depths of what God has said throughout centuries in His Word!

If you haven't sign up for our Bible reading 28 Day Challenge, go here and select Bible.