September 14, 2024

The Problem with Evangelism

The problem is never outside the window... the problem is in the mirror.

The Problem Isn't "Out There"—It's Us

Let’s be real for a moment—the problem isn’t the people who don’t know Jesus; the problem is those of us who do. It’s not about the people “out there,” it’s about us “in here.”

Sharing Our Faith: Both a Joy and a Responsibility

One statistic that breaks my heart is that 44% of Christian teens don’t believe they have a responsibility to share their faith. Think about that—we are losing a generation because we’ve failed to show them the joy of sharing Jesus with others.

Adults aren’t much better. Many adults who follow Jesus haven’t shared the gospel with anyone in the last six months. This is tragic, because we’re missing out on one of the greatest honors in life—telling others about Him.

Personal evangelism isn’t just a duty; it’s a blessing. A mentor once told me, “Apart from my family and my own salvation, there’s no greater joy than sharing the hope of Jesus with someone who doesn’t know Him.” And that’s the truth.

So, how many people in your life don’t know Jesus? And how many of them have you shared the Good News with?

The Solution Starts With Us

Imagine the joy of seeing a friend, family member, or classmate come to life in a relationship with Jesus. That’s the hope and opportunity we have.

But here’s the truth: the problem isn’t with those who don’t know Jesus. The solution lies with those of us who do know Him. We need to get intentional about sharing Jesus with others.

This is why I wrote this. If we don’t take seriously the call to share Jesus with the world, we’ll lose another generation. Evangelism must once again become a priority for every believer.

We’re not responsible for “saving” anyone—that’s God’s job. As John Stott wisely said, evangelism isn’t about winning converts, but simply announcing the Good News. That’s our calling. Jesus said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Telling others about Jesus is both a delight and a duty for every follower.

A World in Need of Jesus

The Bible paints a clear picture of a world desperately needing Jesus. Judges 2:10 talks about a generation that didn’t know the Lord or what He had done. We’re living in that kind of generation today.

Our mission, as followers of Jesus, is to take His message to the people we know, right where we are. We’re not called to reach the whole world, but we are called to reach our world.

Jesus took twelve ordinary men and turned the world upside down. He transformed fishermen into followers, tax collectors into truth-tellers, persecutors into preachers, and even murderers into missionaries. He has always used the unexpected to do the unexplainable.

I believe He wants to do the same with you.

As you read, I believe God will stir your heart in ways you never imagined. You’ll discover that one of the primary callings on your life is to make Jesus known.

Let’s Get Serious About the Gospel

If we want to see the world come to Jesus, we need to get serious about telling the people in our lives about Him. We can’t rely solely on Sunday services or evangelistic events, though they have their place.

We need to be passionate, equipped, and ready to share our own stories, our lives, and the gospel with those around us.

Now is the time for us to step into our calling—to #LiveSent.

Want to learn more about sharing your faith. Pick up Ryan's book, Live Sent: Equipping you to have Jesus conversations in everyday life.